jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2012

Art...a little bit!


Today like every other weeks, I can tell you about a topic recommended for the teacher. Today the theme is the Art!!!!

 Really I’m not a big expert in the art, but I share whit you my experience in this.
The first painting I show you is of a young painter what I know in a webpage of meditation, his name is Pete Revonkorpi, this painter has a stile very particular, his paintings looks like a dreams where everything is possible to happen.

The most like of this painter is the shapes of his draws, and I think what he move conscience across his paintings.

I show you one of my favorite painting of Pete, he use an pseudonym for sing the paintings: Pesare.

This painting called “Lighter than air”, is beautiful and intriguing to me, and really all of paintings of Pesare looks o can be seen in this different way.

 The Other painting I want to talk you is of a famous painter, this is Salvador Dalí. His paintings are surrealistic and strange but contents something magic, and too makes think in a different way. The paint is Soft construction with boiled beans.

The first time I see, was in a dentist consult when I was like five or six years old. The painting awoke in my sensation what something was badly and very ugly, but with the time finally became in something curious for me.  with this paint Dalí want express the horos of the civil war in Spain.

Well, this is all for today, I want to share a pictures of this painting!!

See you soon!!!!

Regards, classmates

Ligther than Air by Pesare

Soft Constrution with bolied beans by Slavador Dalí

2 comentarios:

  1. it looks like you are very into surrealism, they are both inreresting pieces because the make you think and analize a lot the meaning of them

  2. Marce, I liked so much the first painting, I will like have a copy in my bedroom or in the future bedroom of my son :)

