jueves, 29 de noviembre de 2012

The end of the course...:P

Hello Classmates!

Today is the time of the say goodbye!! Is the last blogs to this class of English, a least someone disproving the course. But I hope this doesn’t happen.

Today we must talk about the experience of blogging. I am write a blog before in English III, but this time I try to make the best to learn to write and to speak this language.

The most I enjoy to share with my class was the pots of the ten things to do before die, I like to write this but before I don’t think in this and in the things what I wrote neither. I liked a lot read the things of the rest of the class wrote in this post; help to meet more each one of them.

The least in enjoy to writing was the first blog what we must to post. This was very difficult to me. I don’t become accustomed to write despite I wrote in other class.

The most I enjoy to reading were all of post about the country we like to know, was like a trip for the world in a webpage, every put in this post the best of a beautiful countries and the most we like of this places. Was entertaining read all of these posts.

The blogs most like are the constanza’s blog is pretty and different in the design. I like visit the blog of Maria de Los Angeles and Karla because they are my friends in geography.

In this experience I enjoy learn English. I see a difference, and can say I learn a lot in this class. Dislike? Now noting because always the experience help me to know a little bit more.


Thank teacher Simon, and regards classmates!

Success for all!

sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2012

Special Web Site!!!!:P

Hello classmates!!
Today I want to tell you about a special website I visit often, when I have time. This website is a blog like ours BlogSpot, but the topic of this is different, is about the love yourself.
The first time I visit this page was the semester of summer 2012, when we have class in January because the mobilizations for the public and free education in Chile.
I stay a little stressed and needed to find a way to express or leave the tensions. Also I star to search a different kind of relaxing methods and so I got find the website.
This site is www.amarseaunomismo.com, the name for me sound like a book of yourself help, but whit the time I’m read the articles in the blog, and it interested me a lot.
The principal topic of the blog is the love for yourself and the auto respect, too. Also try to learn like to appreciate the simply things and the beauty in this little things.
The administrator of this site is Alex. He writes one article a month as least, but in can review so often in liked.
The most like of the site is a big menu of video and art like containing in the articles, and the lesson what teach in each of these.
I think what every sort of people should like to visit this site, because is very entertaining and interesting.  Many of the videos what contain the articles are very funny and I liked to share someone whit you.
I shared with you someone links, videos and art of this page.

I hope you enjoy this like me and try to visit the Web Site!

Regards classmates!
See you soon!!

jueves, 15 de noviembre de 2012

Art...a little bit!


Today like every other weeks, I can tell you about a topic recommended for the teacher. Today the theme is the Art!!!!

 Really I’m not a big expert in the art, but I share whit you my experience in this.
The first painting I show you is of a young painter what I know in a webpage of meditation, his name is Pete Revonkorpi, this painter has a stile very particular, his paintings looks like a dreams where everything is possible to happen.

The most like of this painter is the shapes of his draws, and I think what he move conscience across his paintings.

I show you one of my favorite painting of Pete, he use an pseudonym for sing the paintings: Pesare.

This painting called “Lighter than air”, is beautiful and intriguing to me, and really all of paintings of Pesare looks o can be seen in this different way.

 The Other painting I want to talk you is of a famous painter, this is Salvador Dalí. His paintings are surrealistic and strange but contents something magic, and too makes think in a different way. The paint is Soft construction with boiled beans.

The first time I see, was in a dentist consult when I was like five or six years old. The painting awoke in my sensation what something was badly and very ugly, but with the time finally became in something curious for me.  with this paint Dalí want express the horos of the civil war in Spain.

Well, this is all for today, I want to share a pictures of this painting!!

See you soon!!!!

Regards, classmates

Ligther than Air by Pesare

Soft Constrution with bolied beans by Slavador Dalí

jueves, 8 de noviembre de 2012

Movie Time

Hello Classmates!

Today I tell you about a movie I watched. When I thing in this topic, springs to my mind a lot of movie very funnies. But lately I saw a lot of movie in my house, and one in particularly has become in my favorite.  Is “The Terminal”.

This Movie is staring for many famous actors like Catherine Zeta Jones, Diego Luna, Stanley Tucci and my favorite actors Tom Hanks. Is directed to James Cameron

The history or the movie is about Victor Navorsky, a citizen of Krakozhia, who come to EEUU to get an autograph of Benny Golson for his father.  The drama begins when in the country of Victor (Krakozhia) taken the power the rebels and he don’t can go out of airport and don’t can back to his country. There is like victor begins to live in the airport.

I love this movie because is very funny and victor is a really nice character, the situations what they has to live in the airport are unusual.

I don’t remember the first time I watch this movie, but I see a many time after, in my house with my sister (who is a fan of Tom Hanks to) her boyfriend, and my little brother.

The genre of the movie is Comedy and Romantic.

I recommended The Terminal is a nice movie to see with the family.

Regards Classmates! See you later :P

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