classmates, this time I talk you about eating out. I don’t go usually to a restaurant or a rapid
food locals, because to my family like a lot cooking. However, when I go out with my friend we usually
go to a little local of rapid food in Santiago called “Es lo que hay”. This place
is a very little local, where the clients are mostly students and they take checks
of the JUNAEB, program of food scholarship.
The first
time when we went to this place, my friends and I are lost in center of Santiago,
we want to go to my house in Moneda Station. But I want go walking, so we walk
for a while and suddenly we stay in a place unknown for me, and really beauty. Then we start to go around, when the hungry
appear, and look for a place to eat or buy something to eat. Then we see this
little place whit a lot of people outside and went to sow what are happened
inside. Like that we meet the “Es Lo Que Hay”
When we go to
“Es lo que hay”, always eat the sales promotion of 3 Italians (is the name of
the HOT DOG whit seasoning in Chile) whit a glass of soda, and the most funniest
thing is try to eat 3 Italians and keep the line ajajajjajaja.
I don’t go
very frequently, but I make the most time I have to go whit my friend Natalia
and Wilda, although we don’t see whit the same regularity of before, we try to
go when have a little of time to talk about our lives and laugh a while of the
things of the life.
Is a lovely
place in center of Santiago, located in Paris neighborhood. This neighborhood is beautiful too.
I invited
to us to go to this place to enjoy the food,
See you later
classmates : D!!!!
Never heard of that place, sounds like a good "picada". Where is settled is a beautiful place